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Field Operations

Field Interpolation

fdtdx.fdtd.curl.interpolate_fields(E_field, H_field)

Interpolates E and H fields onto E_z in a FDTD grid with PEC boundary conditions.

Performs spatial interpolation of the electric and magnetic fields to align them onto the same grid points as E_z. This is necessary because E and H fields are naturally staggered in the Yee grid.


Name Type Description Default
E_field Array

4D tensor representing the electric field. Dimensions are (width, depth, height, direction).

H_field Array

4D tensor representing the magnetic field. Dimensions are (width, depth, height, direction).



Type Description
tuple[Array, Array]

tuple[jax.Array, jax.Array]: A tuple (E_interp, H_interp) containing: - E_interp: Interpolated electric field as 4D tensor - H_interp: Interpolated magnetic field as 4D tensor


Uses PEC (Perfect Electric Conductor) boundary conditions where fields at boundaries are set to zero.

Source code in src/fdtdx/fdtd/
def interpolate_fields(
    E_field: jax.Array,
    H_field: jax.Array,
) -> tuple[jax.Array, jax.Array]:
    """Interpolates E and H fields onto E_z in a FDTD grid with PEC boundary conditions.

    Performs spatial interpolation of the electric and magnetic fields to align them
    onto the same grid points as E_z. This is necessary because E and H fields are
    naturally staggered in the Yee grid.

        E_field: 4D tensor representing the electric field.
                Dimensions are (width, depth, height, direction).
        H_field: 4D tensor representing the magnetic field.
                Dimensions are (width, depth, height, direction).

        tuple[jax.Array, jax.Array]: A tuple (E_interp, H_interp) containing:
            - E_interp: Interpolated electric field as 4D tensor
            - H_interp: Interpolated magnetic field as 4D tensor

        Uses PEC (Perfect Electric Conductor) boundary conditions where fields
        at boundaries are set to zero.
    # Apply PEC boundary conditions: fields at boundaries are zero, TODO: wrapped boundaries
    E_field = jnp.pad(E_field, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="constant")
    H_field = jnp.pad(H_field, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="constant")

    E_x, E_y, E_z = E_field[0], E_field[1], E_field[2]
    H_x, H_y, H_z = H_field[0], H_field[1], H_field[2]

    E_x = (E_x[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] + E_x[1:-1, 1:-1, :-2] + E_x[2:, 1:-1, 1:-1] + E_x[2:, 1:-1, :-2]) / 4.0
    E_y = (E_y[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] + E_y[1:-1, :-2, 1:-1] + E_y[2:, 1:-1, 1:-1] + E_y[2:, :-2, 1:-1]) / 4.0
    E_z = E_z[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # leave as is since we project onto the E_z

    H_x = (H_x[1:-1, 2:, 1:-1] + H_x[1:-1, :-2, 1:-1]) / 2.0
    H_y = (H_y[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:] + H_y[1:-1, 1:-1, :-2]) / 2.0
    H_z = (
        H_z[:-2, 2:, 2:]
        + H_z[:-2, 2:, :-2]
        + H_z[:-2, :-2, 2:]
        + H_z[:-2, :-2, :-2]
        + H_z[2:, 2:, 2:]
        + H_z[2:, 2:, :-2]
        + H_z[2:, :-2, 2:]
        + H_z[2:, :-2, :-2]
    ) / 8.0

    # Constructing the interpolated fields
    E_interp = jnp.stack([E_x, E_y, E_z], axis=0)
    H_interp = jnp.stack([H_x, H_y, H_z], axis=0)

    return E_interp, H_interp

Curl Operations


Transforms an E-type field into an H-type field by performing a curl operation.

Computes the discrete curl of the electric field to obtain the corresponding magnetic field components. The input E-field is defined on the edges of the Yee grid cells (integer grid points), while the output H-field is defined on the faces (half-integer grid points).


Name Type Description Default
E Array

Electric field to take the curl of. A 4D tensor representing the E-type field located on the edges of the grid cell (integer gridpoints). Shape is (3, nx, ny, nz) for the 3 field components.



Type Description

jax.Array: The curl of E - an H-type field located on the faces of the grid (half-integer grid points). Has same shape as input (3, nx, ny, nz).


Uses edge padding and roll operations to compute centered differences for the curl.

Source code in src/fdtdx/fdtd/
def curl_E(E: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
    """Transforms an E-type field into an H-type field by performing a curl operation.

    Computes the discrete curl of the electric field to obtain the corresponding
    magnetic field components. The input E-field is defined on the edges of the Yee grid
    cells (integer grid points), while the output H-field is defined on the faces
    (half-integer grid points).

        E: Electric field to take the curl of. A 4D tensor representing the E-type field
            located on the edges of the grid cell (integer gridpoints).
            Shape is (3, nx, ny, nz) for the 3 field components.

        jax.Array: The curl of E - an H-type field located on the faces of the grid
                  (half-integer grid points). Has same shape as input (3, nx, ny, nz).

        Uses edge padding and roll operations to compute centered differences for the curl.

    E_pad = jnp.pad(E, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="edge")

    curl_x = jnp.roll(E_pad[2], -1, axis=1) - E_pad[2] + E_pad[1] - jnp.roll(E_pad[1], -1, axis=2)
    curl_y = jnp.roll(E_pad[0], -1, axis=2) - E_pad[0] + E_pad[2] - jnp.roll(E_pad[2], -1, axis=0)
    curl_z = jnp.roll(E_pad[1], -1, axis=0) - E_pad[1] + E_pad[0] - jnp.roll(E_pad[0], -1, axis=1)
    curl = jnp.stack((curl_x, curl_y, curl_z), axis=0)[:, 1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]

    return curl


Transforms an H-type field into an E-type field by performing a curl operation.

Computes the discrete curl of the magnetic field to obtain the corresponding electric field components. The input H-field is defined on the faces of the Yee grid cells (half-integer grid points), while the output E-field is defined on the edges (integer grid points).


Name Type Description Default
H Array

Magnetic field to take the curl of. A 4D tensor representing the H-type field located on the faces of the grid (half-integer grid points). Shape is (3, nx, ny, nz) for the 3 field components.



Type Description

jax.Array: The curl of H - an E-type field located on the edges of the grid (integer grid points). Has same shape as input (3, nx, ny, nz).


Uses edge padding and roll operations to compute centered differences for the curl. The operation is complementary to curl_E(), allowing field updates in both directions.

Source code in src/fdtdx/fdtd/
def curl_H(H: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
    """Transforms an H-type field into an E-type field by performing a curl operation.

    Computes the discrete curl of the magnetic field to obtain the corresponding
    electric field components. The input H-field is defined on the faces of the Yee grid
    cells (half-integer grid points), while the output E-field is defined on the edges
    (integer grid points).

        H: Magnetic field to take the curl of. A 4D tensor representing the H-type field
            located on the faces of the grid (half-integer grid points).
            Shape is (3, nx, ny, nz) for the 3 field components.

        jax.Array: The curl of H - an E-type field located on the edges of the grid
                  (integer grid points). Has same shape as input (3, nx, ny, nz).

        Uses edge padding and roll operations to compute centered differences for the curl.
        The operation is complementary to curl_E(), allowing field updates in both directions.
    H_pad = jnp.pad(H, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="edge")

    curl_x = H_pad[2] - jnp.roll(H_pad[2], 1, axis=1) - H_pad[1] + jnp.roll(H_pad[1], 1, axis=2)
    curl_y = H_pad[0] - jnp.roll(H_pad[0], 1, axis=2) - H_pad[2] + jnp.roll(H_pad[2], 1, axis=0)
    curl_z = H_pad[1] - jnp.roll(H_pad[1], 1, axis=0) - H_pad[0] + jnp.roll(H_pad[0], 1, axis=1)
    curl = jnp.stack((curl_x, curl_y, curl_z), axis=0)[:, 1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]

    return curl