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Constraint Modules

Base Classes


Bases: ExtendedTreeClass

Interface specification for constraint module inputs/outputs.

Defines the type and shapes of arrays that a constraint module accepts or produces.


Name Type Description
type Literal['latent', 'index', 'inv_permittivity']

The type of constraint interface - one of: - "latent": Raw latent parameters - "index": Discrete material indices - "inv_permittivity": Inverse permittivity values

shapes dict[str, tuple[int, ...]]

Dictionary mapping array names to their expected shapes

Source code in src/fdtdx/constraints/
class ConstraintInterface(ExtendedTreeClass):
    """Interface specification for constraint module inputs/outputs.

    Defines the type and shapes of arrays that a constraint module accepts or produces.

        type: The type of constraint interface - one of:
            - "latent": Raw latent parameters
            - "index": Discrete material indices
            - "inv_permittivity": Inverse permittivity values
        shapes: Dictionary mapping array names to their expected shapes

    type: Literal["latent", "index", "inv_permittivity"] = frozen_field()
    shapes: dict[str, tuple[int, ...]] = frozen_field()


Bases: ExtendedTreeClass, ABC

Abstract base class for constraint modules.

Constraint modules transform parameters between different representations while enforcing physical and fabrication constraints. They form a chain of transformations from latent parameters to final inverse permittivity values.


Name Type Description
_permittivity_config dict[str, float]

Dictionary mapping material names to permittivity values

_config SimulationConfig

Global simulation configuration

_output_interface ConstraintInterface

Interface specification for module outputs

_input_interface ConstraintInterface

Interface specification for module inputs

Source code in src/fdtdx/constraints/
class ConstraintModule(ExtendedTreeClass, ABC):
    """Abstract base class for constraint modules.

    Constraint modules transform parameters between different representations while
    enforcing physical and fabrication constraints. They form a chain of transformations
    from latent parameters to final inverse permittivity values.

        _permittivity_config: Dictionary mapping material names to permittivity values
        _config: Global simulation configuration
        _output_interface: Interface specification for module outputs
        _input_interface: Interface specification for module inputs

    _permittivity_config: dict[str, float] = frozen_private_field()
    _config: SimulationConfig = frozen_private_field()
    _output_interface: ConstraintInterface = frozen_private_field()
    _input_interface: ConstraintInterface = frozen_private_field()

    def _ordered_permittivity_tuples(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
        kv = list(self._permittivity_config.items())
        kv_sorted = sorted(kv, key=lambda x: x[1])
        return kv_sorted

    def _allowed_permittivities(self) -> jax.Array:
        name_val_list = self._ordered_permittivity_tuples
        perms = jnp.asarray([v[1] for v in name_val_list], dtype=jnp.float32)
        return perms

    def _allowed_inverse_permittivities(self):
        return 1.0 / self._allowed_permittivities

    def _permittivity_names(self) -> list[str]:
        name_val_list = self._ordered_permittivity_tuples
        names = [v[0] for v in name_val_list]
        return names

    def transform(
        input_params: dict[str, jax.Array],
    ) -> dict[str, jax.Array]:
        del input_params
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def input_interface(
        output_interface: ConstraintInterface,
    ) -> ConstraintInterface:
        del output_interface
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def init_module(
        self: Self,
        config: SimulationConfig,
        permittivity_config: dict[str, float],
        output_interface: ConstraintInterface,
    ) -> Self:
        self = self.aset("_config", config)
        self = self.aset("_permittivity_config", permittivity_config)
        self = self.aset("_output_interface", output_interface)
        input_interface = self.input_interface(self._output_interface)
        self = self.aset("_input_interface", input_interface)
        return self

Value Range Transformations


Bases: ConstraintModule

Maps standard [0,1] range to inverse permittivity range.

Linearly maps values from [0,1] to the range between minimum and maximum inverse permittivity values allowed by the material configuration.

Source code in src/fdtdx/constraints/
class StandardToInversePermittivityRange(ConstraintModule):
    """Maps standard [0,1] range to inverse permittivity range.

    Linearly maps values from [0,1] to the range between minimum and maximum
    inverse permittivity values allowed by the material configuration.

    def transform(
        input_params: dict[str, jax.Array],
    ) -> dict[str, jax.Array]:
        max_inv_perm = self._allowed_inverse_permittivities.max()
        min_inv_perm = self._allowed_inverse_permittivities.min()

        result = {}
        for k, v in input_params.items():
            mapped = v * (max_inv_perm - min_inv_perm) + min_inv_perm
            result[k] = mapped
        return result

    def input_interface(
        output_interface: ConstraintInterface,
    ) -> ConstraintInterface:
        if output_interface.type != "latent":
            raise Exception("Range Conversion only works on latent Parameters!")
        return output_interface


Bases: ConstraintModule

Maps standard [0,1] range to custom range [min_value, max_value].

Linearly maps values from [0,1] to a custom range specified by min_value and max_value parameters.


Name Type Description
min_value float

Minimum value of target range

max_value float

Maximum value of target range

Source code in src/fdtdx/constraints/
class StandardToCustomRange(ConstraintModule):
    """Maps standard [0,1] range to custom range [min_value, max_value].

    Linearly maps values from [0,1] to a custom range specified by min_value
    and max_value parameters.

        min_value: Minimum value of target range
        max_value: Maximum value of target range

    min_value: float = frozen_field(default=0)
    max_value: float = frozen_field(default=1)

    def transform(
        input_params: dict[str, jax.Array],
    ) -> dict[str, jax.Array]:
        result = {}
        for k, v in input_params.items():
            mapped = v * (self.max_value - self.min_value) + self.min_value
            result[k] = mapped
        return result

    def input_interface(
        output_interface: ConstraintInterface,
    ) -> ConstraintInterface:
        if output_interface.type != "latent":
            raise Exception("Range Conversion only works on latent Parameters!")
        return output_interface


Bases: StandardToCustomRange

Maps standard [0,1] range to [-1,1] range.

Special case of StandardToCustomRange that maps to [-1,1] range. Used for symmetric value ranges around zero.


Name Type Description
min_value float

Fixed to -1

max_value float

Fixed to 1

Source code in src/fdtdx/constraints/
class StandardToPlusOneMinusOneRange(StandardToCustomRange):
    """Maps standard [0,1] range to [-1,1] range.

    Special case of StandardToCustomRange that maps to [-1,1] range.
    Used for symmetric value ranges around zero.

        min_value: Fixed to -1
        max_value: Fixed to 1

    min_value: float = frozen_field(default=-1, init=False)
    max_value: float = frozen_field(default=1, init=False)

Material Index Transformations


Bases: ConstraintModule

Maps continuous values to nearest allowed material indices.

For each input value, finds the index of the closest allowed inverse permittivity value. Uses straight-through gradient estimation to maintain differentiability.

Source code in src/fdtdx/constraints/
class ClosestIndex(ConstraintModule):
    """Maps continuous values to nearest allowed material indices.

    For each input value, finds the index of the closest allowed inverse
    permittivity value. Uses straight-through gradient estimation to maintain

    def transform(
        input_params: dict[str, jax.Array],
    ) -> dict[str, jax.Array]:
        result = {}
        for k, v in input_params.items():
            dist = jnp.abs(v[..., None] - self._allowed_inverse_permittivities)
            discrete = jnp.argmin(dist, axis=-1)
            result[k] = straight_through_estimator(v, discrete)
        return result

    def input_interface(
        output_interface: ConstraintInterface,
    ) -> ConstraintInterface:
        if output_interface.type != "index":
            raise Exception("After ClosestIndex a Module using indices has to follow!")
        return ConstraintInterface(


Bases: ConstraintModule

Maps material indices to their inverse permittivity values.

Converts discrete material indices into their corresponding inverse permittivity values from the allowed materials list. Uses straight-through gradient estimation to maintain differentiability.

Source code in src/fdtdx/constraints/
class IndicesToInversePermittivities(ConstraintModule):
    """Maps material indices to their inverse permittivity values.

    Converts discrete material indices into their corresponding inverse
    permittivity values from the allowed materials list. Uses straight-through
    gradient estimation to maintain differentiability.

    def transform(
        input_params: dict[str, jax.Array],
    ) -> dict[str, jax.Array]:
        result = {}
        for k, v in input_params.items():
            out = self._allowed_inverse_permittivities[v.astype(jnp.int32)]
            out = out.astype(self._config.dtype)
            result[k] = straight_through_estimator(v, out)
        return result

    def input_interface(
        output_interface: ConstraintInterface,
    ) -> ConstraintInterface:
        if output_interface.type != "inv_permittivity":
            raise Exception(
                "After IndicesToInversePermittivities can only follow a module using" "Inverse permittivities"
        return ConstraintInterface(